Alberta Association of Parliamentarians
The Alberta Association of Parliamentarians (AAP) was founded in August, 2008. We are a proud member of District 7 of the National Association of Parliamentarians. The AAP aims to fulfill the mission and vision of NAP (see below) in a local context.
Our goals are to:
support parliamentarians in Alberta with resources and networks;
provide opportunities for those exploring the field of parliamentary procedure to ask questions and learn more; and
serve as a starting place for those looking to retain the services of Registered Parliamentarians or Professional Registered Parliamentarians.
National Association of Parliamentarians®
The National Association of Parliamentarians® (NAP) serves the needs of today’s parliamentarians and those interested in learning about parliamentary procedure.
Mission Statement:
NAP is a society dedicated to educating leaders throughout the world in effective meeting management through the use of parliamentary procedure.
Vision Statement:
To provide parliamentary leadership to the world.
NAP’s mission and vision statements are supported by the association’s principles:
Reflect a commitment to fundamental parliamentary principles
Promote diversity, democratic decision-making and civic involvement
Maintain and enhance professional parliamentary credentialing standards
Provide convenient educational opportunities
Evaluate programs and services on an ongoing basis
Promote knowledge and awareness of parliamentary procedure
Maintain a fiscally and operationally sound organizational structure
Encourage partnerships and inclusiveness.
NAP’s goals are to:
encourage its members and the general public to learn the principles and practice of democratic decision-making;
help teachers instruct people of all ages—from public and private school students to active professionals to retirees involved in their communities—in parliamentary procedure;
promote collaboration and professional development among parliamentarians; and
provide widely recognized, authoritative accreditation of parliamentarians.
NAP’s member-parliamentarians are located throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad.
The above information comes from the NAP website. For more information on all things NAP and parliamentary procedure please visit their website at parliamentarians.org.
President - Jennifer Freund, PRP
Vice-President - Todd Brand, PRP
Secretary - Laura McPhee, RP
Treasurer - Diana Bacon, PRP
The management and administration of AAP is vested in its Board of Directors composed of the four officers listed above, each with a specific portfolio. Officers are elected for two-year terms with the next election scheduled to take place at the 2025 AAP annual general meeting.